Patients with Implants are Great Candidates for Perio Protect

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3/13/18: Pre Treatment with 7 threads exposed

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10/14/20: After 2 Tx of LAPIP, 3-4 threads exposed

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1/20/22: After one year of Perio Tray Therapy

Patients with implants are 10x more likely to have the implant fail that to have their natural teeth fail even in patients with treated chronic periodontitis. Help your patients keep their margins clean. Offer them Perio Tray therapy.


Patient Candidates and Your Standard of Care

Focusing on patient health and establishing a standard of care is the best way to select patients and implement Perio Protect. How much bleeding is acceptable in your practice? It's a serious question, and if you know the answer, you know who is a good candidate for Perio Protect and why. Patients exhibiting bleeding over that threshold need your help.


At Perio Protect, our standard of care recommends Perio Tray therapy for patients with 10 or more bleeding points. You can pick your own number for your practice, but ten is a good start. Ten bleeding points means the infection is not isolated. You also don't want to watch a disease progress. The best way to manage periodontal disease is to catch and treat it early. When that is not possible, long-term remission is most successful with comprehensive homecare from Perio Protect.


The following cases also benefit from Perio Tray therapy:

  • Patients who refuse scaling or surgery
  • Patients with chronic systemic inflammation
  • Patients who have restorations with margins exhibiting bleeding
  • For comprehensive prevention.

The Whole Package

We put it all into one easy package for your success with Perio Protect. For this limited time offer, you get

  • Personalized team training (online) with 1 CE
  • One set of Perio Tray™ medicament carriers
  • One case of Perio Gel (12 tubes)
  • One case of Perio GelX (12 tubes)
  • Complete internal marketing package (demo models, chairside guides, posters, countercards, etc)
  • Social media marketing

*Available in United States offices only. If you are in Canada, please call us to discuss options for you.

Perio Protect ©. All rights reserved.